Dear Baby,
Life is full of ups and downs. Don’t let that bog you down. Remember baby, life will never go along the way you have planned it. Life will never go the way ANYbody has planned it. Life is an unruly spring of water; it cuts through rocks, erodes terrain, turns jagged sharp stones into smooth round ones, and makes its own pathway to reach the ocean. Thus is life. Do not despair if life doesn’t go the course you want it to, occasionally you might want to build a dam, channel the water using a canal, but life has its own course, all that you do, is only but a minor deflection in its pathway. It cannot be tamed.
However, that, does not mean you cannot live life. For a small being that doesn’t even proper eyesight and bowel control, what would life mean? What would it be its import? I would say, live the way you live now. Harbour no expectations, harbour no “right” or “wrong”, but go by what your conscience says, what allows you to sleep at night. See new things, be open to perceiving new ideas, cultivate a set of core values and live and suffer for them, take a day as a day, work hard, but yes, party harder. Lead by example, and be led by example. Be happy and be content – never be satisfied though, like Steve Jobs (who is he? – well, dear baby, I will leave it up to you to search him up) said – stay hungry, stay foolish.
Above all, dear baby, you are an individual, currently you are dependent on me, but you always will not be. Live your life, as an individual. Learn to know who you are.