its a colicky day and night, she refuses to sleep, asks for milk constantly, and me being me, am extremely sleepy. Mom offers to take care of her, but she refuses to be held by mom, she insists on clinging on to me. being sleepless for almost 2 days, im irritated, im angry and im sleepy, her wails dont make it any easier! Having a long history of avoiding children like the devil incarnate, i have no clue how to handle a colicky baby, one thats just over a weeks old, and weights less than 3 kg! Heck my lappie weighs more than that!
Thats when it happens .... somewhere in an insane hour of the night, i lose it, and shout at the little one like im screaming at someone with road rage ... she forgets to cry, looks up at me, and there you go - a wide toothless grin. her first smile of her life and im not sure what to do, smile back? cry in exhaustion? act relieved cos she's stopped crying? oh well, I just did what i had to, squeeze her close and kiss her hard and coo her to sleep.
:).. be sure to raise her to understand your sarcasm or else she will kill you when she is 3-4 and reads this :D
I suppose it happens to most new parents....the irritation from sleep deprivation. I had, on more than one occasion, let my newborn cry louder and louder while I just stared at him, trying to control my anger.
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